Interesting line of argument about Macron's decision. It's possible he calculates that an election is less high risk than it looks because having the Rassemblement National involved in government under a cohabitation, which is sure to be a mess, will discredit them. But that scenario will also hand the RN a plausible line of argument that they need the presidency to implement their programme. It was the establishment and the mainstream parties which stopped them despite their mandate. The RN is now promising all sorts of goodies like retirement at 60 in return for a free hand on immigration. There's a good chance Macron has speeded up the day when are able to do it. There is no silver bullet for the rise of the far right in France and I fear the disillusionment will only start once they have held the presidency and done huge damage to the country.

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Media people have a very odd notion of instability. Does Europe have problems? Who doesn't? But I wouldn't exactly call it unstable. Literally the region you're covering is having a civil war, military coups and extra judicial killings.

People in Asia need to stop reading so much western media. In my home country of Bangladesh there is a biweekly article about Israel Gaza but barely biannual articles about Myanmar's civil war.

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